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Brian Barber

Brian Barber

Affiliated Faculty

Dr. Brian R. Barber is an Assistant Professor of special education at Kent State University. Dr. Barber teaches or has taught graduate level courses in special education research and classroom and behavior management, as well as undergraduate level courses in characteristics of students with high-incidence disabilities and evidence-based practices in special education. His research focuses on effective behavioral prevention and intervention strategies in educational settings, executive function and the self-regulation of behavior, issues related to social and emotional learning in schools, and understanding of setting factors affecting intervention implementation in exclusionary educational settings (e.g., residential treatment, juvenile corrections). He is currently serving as Co-Principal Investigator of a two-year, state-funded development grant (Project ASTUTE) to create a dual licensing pre-service educator program in middle childhood content areas and special education. He has authored multiple professional articles and book chapters, and has presented his findings and recommendations at numerous state, regional, national, and international professional conferences. Additionally, he serves as an editorial board member and/or reviewer for several special education journals, as well as an expert consultant to the Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Programs. Prior to receiving his Ph.D. in special education from the University of Florida, he was a teacher and administrator of programs for special education students for seven years.